Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This is funny too

Me and andrew and jon marshall make some pretty funny stuff.

and we put it on that blog.

look at it?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

hair flowers galore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Don't be lazy, read Perrin's blog so that you can laugh more.

goooooooooooooooooood morning! First I hope that you are reading this in the morning so that my greeting makes sense. If it is not morning, I ask you to please close this window and try again at another time. i hope everyone is having a fun, relaxing Tuesday. i know i am! i've enjoyed drinking some coffee, snuggling in my bed (in carrier), and listening to some podcast (go ahead and laugh, because you know there is no way that is what I'm actually doing)

this week my friends and Perrin have been on a huge hair flower making high. They have been making them Non. Stop. Perrin already shared some of her flower power secrets (that she actually thought of herself). So I though I would share some of my own hair flower secrets.

This is actually the easiest and quickest way to get your very own quality hariflower. So that you can jump on the pretty-hair-bandwagon yourself

Step 1: gather the needed supplies. All that you need for my version of the hair flower is money and transportation.

Step 2: Find your way to a flower selling establishment.

Step 3: Enter the store and physically purchase a flower of your choice (purple ones are the best)

Step 4: Place your new flower directly into your hair.
Step 5: Congratulations! You are now cute and original. just like everyone else.
i hope you'll try making my hair flower and love doing it! When making the Daniel-Flower you can easily avoid eating undercooked food, listening to sappy music, or stabbing or burning yourself. Which according to Perrin, are all common hazards if you follow her guide.

oh, and happy late valentine's day! hopefully you're doing something fun with loved ones around you on every day of your lives.

and all jokes aside, here's a verse that Perrin gave in her blog and some other coolys about love n stuff.

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him."
1 John 4:16

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:12-13

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:9-11

Don't get too busy to love people that you need silly holidays

happy tuesday, valentine's day, and sunny day day day day!
chaniel with a d

Monday, January 24, 2011

Calendar Blunder Favorites

Sorry I have been slacking on posting. Perrin's trip to New York was only so original and exciting, and then she had the nerve to post a spiritual and serious blog. Does anyone else get the feeling that she is a little selfish in her blog posting about her life? It's like she doesnt even consider what I am going to think or write about. So here it goes, these are Perrin's favorite things about the past couple of weeks on Friday on Saturday on Monday (from Perrin's perspective)

1. The Lo-Ryder Christmas Caroling Party
every year our friends and neighbors, the Lohbingers and Ryders, throw a caroling party to sing to our neighborhood. I dont know if all of you have heard me sing or not (just kidding I know I you all have), but I am really really good. Because singing is my spiritual gift, this party was right up my alley. Within this list of my top things I would like to present a sub-list of favorite things, which all happen to be at this party: singing, eating, and friends. and I think for you to understand how much I enjoyed this party I have made some lists of my favorite ways to sing, eat and be with friends. My favorite ways to sing are with food in my mouth and around people that know me well, as well as strangers. My absolute favorite way to eat is while going door to door singing songs that my neighbors already know and have probable been sick of hearing since shortly after Thanksgiving. And finally, my favorite way to make friends is to knock on their door and tell them about reindeer in the form of a ballad. just the way the troubadours used too.

2. Goat Farm
Have you ever been to a goat farm? What? You haven't? thats a shocker, because they are so neat! Goat farms are actually the East Coast's fastest growing tourist attraction. Fact.
An even more shocking fact is that my cousins own one of the best goat farms in the world. And of course, that is where my family chose to spend our Christmas Eve. Again, even though this entire post is a list of favorites I feel the need to tell you my favorite part of my favorite. So the number one thing about my number two thing is the golf carts. and by golf carts I mean goat-carts. This make take some explanation. My cousin's have developed a golf cart that runs solely off of goats. I wish goat carts were the new cars. It might take ten times longer to get from one place to another, and lead to the death or serious injury of several goats, but it would for sure be ten times more fun that driving cars.

3. Christmas Eve Charades
I have been in charge of Christmastime Eve games for ten years. It's kind of a big deal. and even though very few of you know who my grandma is, this is a really funny video her. I swear its funny if you know her. But really just take my word. its so funny but you just don't get it. Why would I post something that isn't funny? You just had to be there.

4. Christmas Morning
I think for me to best reflect this favorite, I need to step out of Perrin's perspective and talk directly to her.

Dear Perrin,

First, I want to point out that fact that you tell your audience that Santa never gets old. duh, Perrin. Would it make any sense at all if Santa got old? How would he be able to give out presents for hundreds of years if he got old. Don't assume your readers are dumb.

Second, you no longer have to write in your blog that certain things make you excited. Everything makes you excited. Every. Thing. and to make this message even more clear, I have now told everyone who reads my blog that you are a volcano of excitement. and because more people read my blog than yours, everyone that needs to know, knows. Mission accomplished.

Thirdly, I would like to point out a typo in this section of your blog. You accidentally wrote "things to ignore" in front of the list of the most entertaining aspects of your Christmas morning video. Your outfit is priceless. The blurriness adds a trilling feel to the video that would have otherwise not been there. It was as if I was watching Cloverfield, only filled with joy rather than confusion. You do in fact sound like a man (and its hilarious). You also do make several weird noises but i did not even recognize them the first time I watched the video. To me, this says that these are not weird noises for you. I have just become accustomed to hearing them.


5. Having a White Christmas!
yeah, it snowed.

6. Christmas in Winchester
No, it didn't snow here. Don't ask why, but I really wanted some of johnny cash's music. When I opened it up I saw that I had got "walk the line" and "ring of fire" and it was on a cd full of other music! I had no idea he had written anything else, but turns out he has. I wonder if anyone has heard anything else by him? Probably not.

7. Phase 10 playing
For this favorite, I would like to present a little known statistic. According to a study done by Harvard in the early 2000s, only 2% of all players of a board game care about the results after the game is over and exactly 0% of people that were not part of the game care about the outcome.

8. Trish's Richmond Hangout
This was by far the best night of my entire break. I got to finally see Daniel. He is so dreamy and cool and clever. I think some other people were there too. but i forget.

9. Italian Dinner and Game Night
As you all know, I am a math major. So I should probably tell you all about how how my dinner cooking experience went through a equation. Sarah+Perrin+cooking= DOES NOT EXIST. ahahhahaha I'm just kidding!!! hahaha oh math jokes....

10. Ringing in the New Year
new years eve was very low key this year, but it was also the perfect way to begin 2011. Erin, Sarah, Kelsey and I went to erin's to eat a scrumptious dinner and later made southen living's velvet brownies with cream cheese icing (which i highly recommended you make) and got really drunk before going to Rob and Stacey's (Young Life/small group leader's) house to hang out. we got back to erin's house just in time to pop open some sparkling cider and watch the ball drop.

11. Sewing
My mom is a pro at sewing but I'm not. So I told her I was ready to pretend to sew. We got a pattern, fabric, and dusted off the sewing machine so I could pose for a picture. It was great fun.

12. Spending Time with my Boyfriend
I bet you just read that and thought, "what?! perrin has a boyfriend?!" (no one thought that) I wish I could say it is false, but it simply isn't. Trey and I have been dating for 3 years (as of january 7th) and our relationship is still going strong. he may only be 3, but i think our relationship will only be looked down on by society for another 15 years or so. I mean who should be able to tell me how young is too young? Our times together are so sweet. they consist of watching Cars, coloring in coloring books, and riding our tricycles together. we're getting married one day... he's just too young(to realize it)

13. Small Group hangout
my small group from back home was able to to get together at stacey's house one night over break and just to catch up on our crazy semesters and get drunk. it was awesome to get to see everyone again and get drunk. we also whipped out the taboo game (again) and played a great game.

14. tea Party
they were fun as little girls, but they're even better as 18 and 19 years old! we went to a tea room in a place downtown norfolk called Rowena's it's adorable. we sipped on our tea, ate our cucumber sandwiches, got drunk, and enjoyed our last day together before heading back to school.
15. Angelina Jolie Movies
I would say that this one is self explanatory

have a lovely week :) :) :) :) :)
chaniel with a d